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Heat Treatment Programs For Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a parasite, which implies they feed on the blood of a host in order to survive and they are incredibly difficult to kill. Sofas, mattresses, box springs, rug, and baseboards are all ideal hiding spots for bed bugs. It has in fact, been recorded that these bloodsuckers have been found in small nail holes in the wall. However, a lot of bed bugs like to keep within a few meters from their host, to ensure that they can have quick and easy access to feeding.

There are numerous various techniques to deal with a bed bug infestation, yet success actually depends on early detection and the right treatment. For more details you can always have a look at our bed bug heat treatment solutions.

Heat Treatment

Heat treatment can take numerous various forms it actually depends on what is being treated. Heat will exterminate these bloodsuckers, if the temperature is hot enough, but regrettably there is no one remedy for all of your infestation sites. Below you will find out a little bit more information about heat treatment for bed bugs.

bed bug treatment service

A Hot Box

A hot box is a big box that generates enough heat to exterminate bed bugs. You can place items like dry cleaning, shoes, comforters, bags, luggage, or even garments into a hot box and it will remove bed bugs from these things. The heat box generates a heat that can permeate the small crevices of those items. These small crevices would not be visible to the human eye.

It typically takes anywhere from 117 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit to exterminate bed bugs. The wall surfaces of the heat box will generate a heat that is higher than these temperatures, in order to see to it that the bed bugs are eliminated in all their stages. It is important that you understand some things can end up being damaged inside a heat box if they are placed too near to the walls. If a heat box is to be used inside, you must supply the correct ventilation. It would be best to get in touch with a professional.


Steam is also a kind of heat that can eradicate bed bugs, eggs, and larvae. That being said, steam will permeate some things deep enough to wipe out those hidden bed bugs. Steam will work best on things like bed frames, box springs, blankets or sheets, curtains, and pillows. The steam will not cause any damage to these things.

Clothes dryers

A clothes dryer can also remove bed bugs. You should keep in mind that there are some things that can not be ran through a dryer cycle. It is advised that you run the things through the dryer on high for around 20 minutes. You should additionally keep your newly dried things away from the infestation site.

A washing machine with warm soapy water can also remove bed bugs, once again there are some things that can not be washed.


As you can see there are numerous various heat treatments that will wipe out bed bugs. You should keep in mind that attempting to remove bed bugs on your own can be an extremely difficult job.

Take The First Step - Get Rid of Bed Bugs For Good!


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